Scripture: Proverbs 1:33
But whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, patient without fear of harm.
Thought for the Day: Have you ever listened for nothing? We hear a lot of stuff throughout the day. From the sounds outside your bedroom window when you wake up, here whether that’s traffic or nature, pilule to the sounds we hear while driving around town in our car. There’s always the low hum of something that we hear. There is always noise.
So how often do we listen? How often do we remember to rest, to stop and listen for nothing? It’s amazing what we hear when we shut off our ears and really listen. The silence is deafening, yet leads to incredible revelation. In the still quiet, we might find peace and calm. For a few moments, listening for nothing, we are at ease, safe in God’s quiet embrace.
Prayer: Embrace me in your peace, Holy Lord, so that I might know you more deeply, and through you find calm and serenity throughout my day. Amen.