Scripture: Judges 6:13
“Pardon me, click my lord, health ” Gideon replied, prostate “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up out of Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian.”
Thought for the Day: It’s pretty easy to have faith in God when our lives are going well. When the money is rolling in and our family is healthy, when we’re recognized for doing a good job, when the kids are excelling in school, we truly believe God is at work in our lives. Too often though, we think that if we act good and do good things, that good things will happen to us, and that if something bad happens to us, it’s because we have done something to offend God, as if God is some sort of karmic mirror.
During those times when we, our loved ones, our country, or the entire world is suffering, knowledge of God is still revealed in the things that surround us: the waves crashing to shore at the beach, snow falling on a mountain, a butterfly bursting forth form its cocoon, resurrected and transformed forever. It’s not karmic law that causes bad things to happen to us because we have done something bad, it’s that some days are just worse than others. It’s part of being human. But even on our worst days, God is at work in our daily lives, working to connect us to the divine and reveal our true Christ-like nature, even when we’re as lost in the modern world as Gideon was in the ancient. God never deserts us, but unfortunately, we often desert God.
Prayer: God of eternity, who is always with me, may I see your divine touch in everyone and everywhere, always. Amen.