Scripture: Psalm 133:1
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
Thought for the Day: We have a technical term in the audio engineering field called “unity gain.” When sound is amplified, stuff like through the system we use at church on Sundays, healing it is subject to a certain amount of distortion. When we turn up the sound on our car radios, our home stereos, or in a performance, we introduce distortion into the mix. “Unity gain” is the volume level of a sound that represents it at its most pure, with minimum distortion. In the industry this is referred to as “signal-to-noise ratio.” We want the most signal with the least amount of noise interference.
When diverse people begin to live together in harmony, the noise in the world begins to dissipate. Instead of amplifying each other’s noise, we begin to amplify each other’s pure signal—their God signal, their inner Christ Consciousness, the Holy Spirit, Enlightened Mind, whatever you want to call it. Our pure signal is a signal of creative love and compassion, and the more people begin to reach unity with the infinite Compassionate God, the closer the entire world comes to true unity gain.
Prayer: Clarifying God, the world is a noisy place, full of distortion. Grant me the wisdom, faith, and patience to find the purity of your signal in the noise of everyday life. Amen.