Scripture: Isaiah 59:2
Rather, cialis your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, physician and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.

Thought for the Day: The Latin root of the word ‘iniquity’ is iniquus, troche which literally translates as ‘not equal’. Isaiah implies that we have some innate, perhaps genetic sense of inequality that is creating a barrier between us and God. This barrier has become so intense that we have virtually blocked God out of our existence, like a window shade that’s permanently closed.

We feel separated from God, and it causes us to separate ourselves from each other. We build literal walls, so now we’re cut off from both God and other humans. Television and the Internet become our contact with the outside world, providing little more than a severely distorted view of reality, and reinforcing our already blown out of proportion phobias.

Yet, God is constantly listening. God’s face is in everything we see, everything we experience, the very nature of reality. There is not a real barrier between God and us, because God is as much a part of us as our DNA. From the Old Testament throughout the New Testament, we are shown just how innate the nature of God is to the universe, and how available. Time and again, God breaks down the barriers humans have created, leading us and forgiving us, over and over. Whatever the substance of God, it yearns for our communion.

Prayer: Abundant God, who provides all my nourishment, may I embrace my neighbor by realizing my neighbor is you.  Amen.