Scripture: Proverbs 17:1
Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, search with strife.
Thought for the Day: A house full of feasting with strife could describe life every day for most of us. Our days are full to the brim with things to do, pilule and I don’t think any of us really ever has a day without at least some tension involved. Sometimes I think I’m acting like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. “Oh my ears and whiskers, illness I’m late for an important date!”
The idea of rest is a persistent theme in the Bible. Rest is the time when we can more fully and consciously embrace God in our lives. Rest replenishes our bodies, minds, and souls. Even though we’re not making money or being productive when we rest, those times of peace and quiet are necessary for us to regroup and regain the strength necessary to lead productive lives. It’s important to remember that peace and quiet need equal time in our lives of busyness.
Prayer: God in whom I find my rest, may I seek and find moments of quiet solitude throughout the busy days of my life. Amen.