Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:17
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

Thought for the Day: Life can be frustrating. Our lives can be going along swimmingly one moment, shop and hit by catastrophe the next. As a species, prescription we seem to take a few steps forward and a few steps back. We work to understand and appreciate our differences, yet sometimes find ourselves in wars of words or weapons because we cannot agree to disagree. Worse, we sometimes refuse to sacrifice even a little in order to move to a middle ground that is for the common good.

Paul works tirelessly to find common ground, and constantly reminds us that together, we are all working toward a more enlightened life, a more universal understanding of what it means to be human. He reminds us that our personal and intercultural traumas will all pass, and that every moment of life, even the conflicts, can be used to help us achieve a more intimate connection with God, and greater compassion for each other.

Sometimes, when we find ourselves in times of trouble, the best policy is to simply let go and let it be.

Prayer: When I look at the flowers, Lord, I am reminded of you. When I look at the stars, Holy Creator, I see your handiwork. And when the world reflects the conflicts in my own life, I look for peace and rest by releasing all my troubles to you. Amen.