Scripture: Psalm 69:30
I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.

Thought for the Day: We’ve turned Thanksgiving into a national holiday, sales but in reality everyday is a day (or could be) of thanksgiving. I believe that when we give thanks to God often, healing that we help to create a general attitude of thanks in the world. And I don’t mean we give thanks for green lights or parking spaces or fabulous wealth. God isn’t a Genie that grants wishes. No, hospital I simply give thanks to God for being—both God’s and mine. I give thanks for God’s creative spirit, loving embrace and forgiving nature, all examples of how my life should be lived.

We have so much material comfort to be thankful for in the United States. My prayer this holiday season is that others around the world can also find material comfort—that children in war-torn countries find a safe bed to sleep in and a nourishing meal to eat. While I long for the world to evolve spiritually, I also long for a world where everyone has their basic material needs met. If we are to evolve spiritually, then first we need to attend to the needs of our brothers and sisters who are dying from neglect. For in that loving action alone, we are contributing to the world’s spiritual evolution and giving thanks and honor to God.

Prayer: May we find loving generosity in our hearts today and all days, my Sweet God who is all love and generosity. Amen.