Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-2
I urge, site then, sales first of all, medical that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

Thought for the Day: I think there is overlooked power in giving thanks. Those of us who have much rarely stop to give thanks for our abundance, and those of us who have little may believe we have little to be thankful for. In truth though, real thanksgiving is not about ourselves at all, but about giving thanks to God for all of God’s creation, from this human existence to the planet that sustains us, and the stars that surround us.

We offer prayer and praise to God so that our leaders will be inspired to act in the interests of the common good, which often means they have to act against their own self-interests (or against the interests of those who financed their campaign). God works through every one of us, often in ways we cannot comprehend. But every single person on the planet has a divine purpose, and as more and more people begin to realize their innate connection to God, we will have ever more to be thankful for as we allow God to work tirelessly through us. God’s divine inspiration and strength allows us to turn the planet into a united civilization of love and respect, and that starts by recognizing that our real duty is to God and others, not to our own self-preservation.

Prayer: May my heart be ignited with the love of Christ and lead me to a life of service to God and others. Amen.