Today’s devotional is by Trudy Kellum. Thanks, illness Trudy!
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 8:1
Who is like the wise man? And who knows the interpretation of a thing? Wisdom makes one’s face shine, and the hardness of one’s countenance is changed.
Thought for the Day: Leading up to Thanksgiving, I asked my second grade students to write at least one paragraph describing what they think happened on the first Thanksgiving. Here is a word-for- word account (complete with exact spelling) of one student’s response:
“I think at the first Thanksgiving pilgrims celerated in 1621. Evry family celebrate libertate. It was the year 1620 when the strange people known as the pilgrims set sail from England, crashed into Plymouth Rook and set about the daunting task of learning to spell Massachusetts.”
While the historical accounts written by each student were as diverse (and humorous) as I expected they would be, a common thread among my students is thankfulness. They love their families, their school, the small bags of food that they take home on Fridays to see them through the weekend; any little treat, special privilege or kindness they receive. They are thankful.
Prayer: God, in a world where our beliefs are diverse, even within the Christian faith, may be all find the common thread of thankfulness woven into our hearts. May we be ever more aware of the glorious blessings surrounding us at every moment, rejoicing in the fact that your love embraces all people, of all lands and faiths. Thanks be to God!