Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, physician so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, sovaldi who is the image of God.

Thought for the Day: The material world—the god of this age—blinds us to a more satisfying and creative existence. A different kind of life awaits us when we fully embrace God in our lives in the way Jesus shows us is entirely possible. Jesus is the perfect example of human potential, store a life lived fully human yet also 100% connected to the divine. When you realize Jesus was trying to show us what we are and how to live, it changes your view of reality completely.

Even if we never get to that 100% connection with God that Jesus had, any connection with God changes your outlook and drives you to become ever more connected. God is right there in your life right now, but have you stopped to feel God’s presence lately? God is with you right now, taking every breath with you, hearing every sound, filling your heart with love and mercy. Are you listening? Are you feeling? Are you living the life Jesus asked us all to live: one of selfless compassion for the least of us? Or are you blinded by the god of this age, who tells us to hoard our wealth and that people in need are parasites?

The power of the Christian message is that it is for all of us. Jesus saw all humans as equal beings of God, just like him. Jesus never asked people to convert to Christianity to be “saved” (why would he, he was Jewish). He simply said, “Love the lord your God with all your heart, and love your neighbors as yourselves.” Jesus knew that simply following the two most important commandments would change, one life at a time, the entire world. And that’s the real definition of salvation.

Prayer: Open my eyes, my heart, and my mind, Glorious and All-Loving God, so that I might see and experience the Christ in my life. Amen.