Scripture: Deuteronomy 12:7
There, healing in the presence of the Lord your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the Lord your God has blessed you.
Thought for the Day: Chanukah and Christmas are both fast approaching. Hooray! One of my favorite traditions this time of the year is gathering with friends and family to share meals. I find deep joy in sharing a meal with friends and associates—like the meal we all shared together to support the Care Team at church yesterday. Man, that was some great food and conversation.
In the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the denomination I serve in, we offer communion every Sunday. Furthermore, the table is open to everyone—you don’t need to be baptized, confess any sort of faith in anything, recite any ancient creed, be a member of the church or do any of the other numerous things that humans have created to make communion yet another way to separate “us” from “them.” Communion is about time with God, and no human has the right to deny time with God to any other human. All are welcome at God’s table, and in my view, every table is God’s table.
We are all one great people, diverse in culture, nation, race, but all of us children of the One, Eternal God, who will soon be born into the world to show us just how much we are all truly loved. All of us. No exceptions. So as we enjoy wonderful meals with friends and family this season, I hope we keep in mind that God is present in each of us, and at every shared meal, whether we formally call it communion or not.
Prayer: My God of Joy, from whom all blessings flow, may your love, compassion, mercy, inclusiveness, and kindness be reflected in me at all our communal meals this season. Amen.