Scripture: Psalm 100:1
Shout for joy to the Lord, medicine all the earth.

Thought for the Day: Joy is a pretty overwhelming sensation. While I think we often experience happiness, check perhaps even elation, rx I don’t think we sense true joy very often. It’s a rare gift from God received unexpectedly, ignited for each of us through different life experiences. Perhaps hearing Beethoven’s 9th or having a snowball fight with your kids. Working for social justice or feeding your family. Art. Music. Theater. The feeling of Joy is transcendent, encompassing a single moment and eternity together in a moment of impossible bliss.

Our Advent journey is a journey of Joy, of unexpected moments with God that lift us out of the world and into an elated sense of consciousness, the sort of consciousness soon to be born in Jesus.

Prayer: May all your children receive moments of blissful joy form connection with you, God most holy. Amen.