Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:33-11:1
For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, stuff so that they may be saved. Follow my example, sovaldi as I follow the example of Christ.
Thought for the Day: Thirty years after Jesus died, and Paul was concerned, like Jesus and the disciples before him, that the world was headed toward self-destruction. For Paul, the only way to save the world was to develop a deep relationship with God by following the teachings of Jesus.
Those first followers of Jesus, including those who would write what would become the New Testament—people like Paul who had never met Jesus—understood it was by living the teachings of Jesus in their daily lives that transformed them, and eventually the entire world. For the early church, salvation wasn’t about “us” and “them,” salvation only occurred when we all turned away from the material world and embraced God. Either we’re all saved, or none of us is saved.
We can change the world. We are called to change the world. Jesus teaches us to live a life that radically transforms the world because we first conform ourselves to the image of the Christ, by simply letting go and letting God guide our thoughts and actions.
Prayer: May my spiritual journey continue to be led by you, God of ancient and infinite wisdom. May you transform my soul, conforming me to the image of Christ, making me your instrument of transformation as the world becomes more and more your peaceable kingdom. Amen.