Scripture: Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, diagnosis O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Thought for the Day: Humans love to search. We started spreading across the globe millions of years ago, and have never stopped searching the most remote corners of the planet. It’s not always easy, being an explorer. There are many unknown craggy cliffs that can destroy your ship.

Today, we search the depths of both outer space and the deepest oceans, looking for answers to an endless stream of questions. Or we use Google or Bing or Yahoo! To search the Internet for information that wouldn’t have been available to any of us even a few short decades ago. No matter the search though, there are still plenty of cliffs to fall off.

Still, humans love to search. But I think most of our searching has been outward—towards something or somewhere else. We look for new land, new people, new life forms, and new information.

In the Psalms, the search is almost always inward. David asks God to search his heart, so that David might be made aware of the dangerous cliffs in his life. A search led by God looks to the deep inner space in our heart and soul, and lets us know when the craggy cliff is coming.

Prayer: Search my heart, O God; guide me through the rough sees in my life that threaten to spiritually shipwreck me. Amen.