Scripture: Acts 2:44-46
All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.
Thought for the Day: As the church started to form it was not unusual to find groups of spiritual journeyers living together in communal environments. Today, malady we pay respect to that heritage with our modern church communities. When we covenant with each other as a church, capsule it is connected to a thousands-of-years-old tradition that reaches into some of our most ancient traditions.
As a church, ask we have promised to support each other with the spiritual gifts at our disposal. The reason we offer this support is so that each of us will have whatever we need as we make our personal journey to connect to the Christ within. Being faithful is difficult. Practicing the faith can be back breaking.
Church communities offer us a little respite from the world of high finance and competitive economics. Church communities like ours invite us back to a time when faith and the support of friends was a powerful way for all of us to enhance our relationship with God.
Prayer: Thank you for community, in all its sizes and types, Dear Lord. In you, everlasting God, we find the greatest community, made of love and equality, peace, and a thirst-less quest to know you more deeply. Amen.