Scripture: Acts 17:29
Since we are God’s offspring, buy cialis we ought not to think that the deity is like gold, or silver, or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of mortals.
Thought for the Day: Humans do have incredible imaginations. We’re a wonderfully artistic and creative species. From pyramids to polyurethane, from Michelangelo to Michael Bublé, we love to describe our feelings about the world around us through art, architecture, music, film and literature.
Scripture reminds us though, that no matter how wonderful our imaginations are, we will never be able to fully describe God, and we will certainly never be able to represent God as an image. Try as we might, inevitably the image ends up looking more like the artist than God. This is not necessarily a bad thing, since we are all created in God’s image. The problem is that often these artistic representations of our imaginations end up becoming set in stone. God becomes the “bearded white man in the sky” for generations of people. This limits both God and our ability to truly understand the powerful nature of God in our universe and our lives.
Prayer: Glorious and ineffable God, help me imagine you in new and unexpected ways. Help me see your fingerprints in everyone and everything around me. Help me grow, precious Lord, in my understanding of you, that I might live life filled with your endless creative energy. Amen.