Today’s devotional was written by Trudy Kellum. Thanks, cure Trudy!

Scripture:  Psalm 145:9, (NIV)
The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.

Thought for the Day: In the pond behind our house there are two ducklings that I’ve been enjoying watching for the last several weeks. At first, they were part of a large family of 15 ducklings following and being corralled by their mother. Now, for reasons unknown (although my best guess is neighborhood hawks), the duck family has been reduced to just two baby ducks—one yellow, one brown. They paddle around the pond aimlessly all day long, never leaving one another’s side. In recent storms, gusts of wind and rain blew across the pond, making their navigation around the pond even more difficult.

I’m not a nature girl by any means, but I must say that observing God’s wonderful creation such as these two ducklings is a very spiritual experience for me. I’m moved by how the ducks, even though they have no idea where to go or what to do with themselves in the absence of their mother, stick together and keep paddling no matter what weather or events befall them.  So much like our own human experience, they also change course again and again, sometimes for legitimate reasons (like the dog coming too close), but sometimes, I suspect, because they don’t know what else to do with themselves. This wasn’t the way life was “supposed” to be for these two, and they haven’t quite figured everything out yet, but they persevere… and inspire.

Prayer:  Creator God, thank you for the beauty of our surroundings and the ways in which we are inspired by the wonder of your creation.  One with you, may we persevere no matter our situation. Glory to God!  Amen.