Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:6-7 (TNIV)
Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. We live by faith, try not by sight.

Thought for the Day: You know that old phrase, viagra sale “seeing is believing”?  Well, although it can be good advice in certain cases (buying a used car), I think it’s a pretty bad general rule. In fact, I suggest that seeing distracts us from believing, because we have come to believe that if we can’t see it, it doesn’t exist. Humans have become almost completely sensory-dependent. If we can’t see, touch, taste, smell, or hear something, then it simply isn’t real.

Yet the very material structure of the universe teaches us time and time again that this simply isn’t so. We don’t have to physically experience something to know it is real. We can’t touch an atom, but we know they are the basic building blocks of everything. And not only is it impossible for us to touch an atom, but atoms never touch each other, either. Atoms are in a constant state of repulsion because of the electrical charge surrounding them (the electron cloud). Yet these objects that never physically touch create our entire physical world. How weird is that? The coffee table in front of you isn’t as solid as it appears, because ultimately all the atoms that make it are just bouncing around trying to avoid touching, like two pre-teens at their first school dance.

The more I learn about science, the firmer my faith in God becomes. Because while I know this physical existence I am experiencing now is real, I also know that what I’m really made of—all those billions of atoms that are bouncing around to make me, is more ethereal than I can being to imagine. Perhaps the spaces in between the atoms of physicality are where our faith truly resides.

Prayer: Ethereal God of everything and nothing, grace my life with a thirst for knowledge and curiosity. For in questioning and learning, we ultimately learn more about you; and are drawn ever closer to your perfect love. Amen.