Scripture: Hebrews 12:11 (NRSV)
Now, ailment discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Thought for the Day: We often think of discipline as an admonishment of sorts—of “being disciplined,” usually for something we did wrong. Most of us were disciplined when we were kids (and perhaps are still disciplined as adults), and anyone with a pet knows it takes a lot of discipline to train an animal not to eat your daisies, or think of the entire house as a bathroom. We discipline out of love, so that our children or our pets might live a life as free of conflict as possible.
Discipline can also be thought of as practice or exercise, though. When we want to learn to play a musical instrument, or to speak a new language, or improve our math skills, we need discipline to set aside study and practice time. The same is true of our spiritual development. Seeking God is a spiritual discipline. It requires we set aside time to contemplate the nature of God, our relationship to God both personally and universally, and to practice spending time with God through prayer and meditation. Spiritual growth is a discipline.
No matter how you define it, discipline is instructive, and although it can be difficult and even painful physically and psychologically, ultimately, discipline leads us to heightened levels of understanding and ability.
Prayer: May I accept the discipline you give me, most righteous God, in the hope that my spiritual training exercises will lead me to a deeper relationship with you, and a greater sense of unity with my fellow humans, all of who are your beloved children. Amen.