Scripture: John 15:11 (TNIV)
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

Thought for the Day: In these postmodern and rather cynical days, hospital many view organized religion with a certain amount of contempt. They see spirituality and organized religion as opposing, there rather than complimentary forces. But participating in an organized religious body has brought me greater spiritual joy than I ever imagined was possible while I was on my spiritual adventure alone.

In the Disciples, drugstore I have found people who see in Scripture the definition of a God of forgiveness, compassion, mercy, and endless love. We see in Jesus an example of how we should behave as humans, and the promise of a life lived in right-connection with God, deeply and intensely.

The Christ fills us with joy, and offers us the opportunity to serve God, which fills us with joy, in an infinite loop of spirit-filled compulsion to love and serve, until we ultimately become loving servants of a joyous God.

Prayer: Holy God, it is unbelievable how your love energizes me and fills me with happiness. May the joy I find in my connection with you overflow into the souls of every person I meet. Amen.