Scripture: Revelation 20:4
I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge.
Thought for the Day: Last week’s Formula 1 race was in the astoundingly beautiful city of Valencia, rx Spain. It’s always an exciting race. So after church last week we went to my Mom’s to watch it. Only, something had gone awry with the recorder, so we only had the last 18 minutes. We figured 18 minutes of Formula 1 was better than no Formula 1, so we watched the end of the race. It was a crazy ending, because the person who ended up winning (Fernando Alonso of my favorite team, Ferrari) started 11th in the field. I had no idea how he worked his way up the field to first place! Formula 1 is not known for a lot of passing during the race. So 11th to First is unprecedented.
Last night, I discovered my recorder caught a repeat of the race. I was so excited! Because, even though I knew the ending, the story about how we got to that ending would be fascinating, and also add missing and important context to the outcome. If Alonso won because the drivers in front of him all had to retire from the race, then that’s a not-so-interesting outcome. But, if he won because his driving instincts are impeccable, and he weaved his way through the field with skill and precision (at 250 mph), that’s quite a different meaning. One ending is largely based on luck, the other on skill and mental focus.
The rest of the week we’re going to study Julius Caesar, beginning with his death—the ending, and work our way backwards. Some of the content will be graphic, because his story takes place in a brutal era. But 50 years before the birth of Jesus, Caesar’s story sets the context for everything Jesus would eventually grow up to preach against. It is the life and murder of Julius Caesar that creates a Roman Empire, into which the entire context of Jesus’ life and murder would play out.
Prayer: God of all creation, guide me to a deeper level of understanding—one that motivates me to look beyond an ending to see a beginning. Amen.