Scripture: Colossians 1:17-18
He himself is before all things, nurse and in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, check the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything.

Thought for the Day: Richard Rohr refers to Jesus as “the very concrete truth revealing and standing in for the universal truth.” God did not first reveal God’s self through Christ 2000 years ago. God first revealed the infinite creative energy of Christ-Consciousness at the beginning of this particular multi-dimensional reality, the event we consider the beginning of the universe, the Big Bang.

But in Jesus, God revealed God’s and our true nature in a very concrete way. In Jesus the anointed one (the Christ), we should see a model for ourselves, too. Because God created everything out of God’s self-realization, and that means every human we meet was created out of the same stuff as we were. We all have Christ-potential. Jesus spent his ministry teaching us how to embody that potential by connecting directly to God. The Gospel is a message of equality, love and compassion; a message of the deep and profound way we are all more alike than we are different; a message of universal acceptance and love.

Prayer: Holy Infinite Consciousness, may I become fully aware of my connection to you, to the energy that exists through and all around me, so that I too, might become a loving, compassionate, equal being in Christ. Amen.