Scripture:  Luke 6:49 (NIV)
But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation.  The moment the torrent struck that house, viagra sale it collapsed and its destruction was complete.

Thought for the Day: I have known the parable of the wise and foolish builders since I was a kid, but just the other day when I read it again, I was struck by the words “its destruction was complete.”  When reading the story in the past, I pictured the foolish builder being very surprised at the destruction of his/her house when the storm came.  Now I’m thinking that the destruction was a more gradual process – it had already started before the storm.

Why didn’t the foolish builder see the signs and try to fix the shoddy construction?  Maybe he/she decided, despite the warning signs, to roll the dice and just see what would happen in the event of the storm. These are approaches that I know I’ve taken on more than one occasion throughout my life when I’ve tried to avoid something I didn’t want to do, or deliberately chose a different path than the one the Spirit was prompting me to follow.  The meaning that I now derive from this parable is a reminder to build, re-build, and maintain a solid foundation of active faith, so that whether the next storm of life is expected or a total surprise, my response will be faithful.

Prayer:  God, thank you for the instruction provided to us through your Spirit, and for the perfect example of living found in Jesus. Through you, we are empowered to put your Word into practice, becoming master builders of your kingdom on earth.  In both peaceful and threatening times, may we respond with diligence and faith to the job before us. Amen.