Scripture: Luke 14:10
But when you are invited, tadalafil go and sit down at the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher’; then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at the table with you.

Thought for the Day: After assuming control of the government, Caesar initiates a series of social and political reforms that make him wildly popular with the plebeians, the general population of Rome.

Caesar establishes a new constitution, which helps create a strong central government (previously, the various regions in Rome’s control had devolved into principalities run by corrupt governors). He begins the process of uniting all the provinces of the empire into a single cohesive unit, creating term limits for governors, and granting more people outside Rome the rights of Roman citizenship. He does all this with the approval of the Senate, by using both his shrewd political acumen, and his unfailing charm and intellect. Caesar then stacks the Roman Senate largely in his favor, adding more plebeian seats. This effectively robs the aristocracy of their control.

Further alienating the aristocracy, Caesar creates laws that allow the wealth of the upper class to be confiscated if they are caught murdering a member of the lower class, and an immediate cancellation of one fourth of all debts for everyone. He also established the 365-day calendar with a leap year as standard (thanks to the hiring of some really smart astronomers and scientists).

Prayer: May I always take the lowest place at the table, not because I desire to be honored, but because I am humbled before God. May my service to humankind be out of love for God, and not out of desire for human accolades. Amen.