Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-2 (The Message)
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Thought for the Day: Today’s devotional is going out a little later than usual because the devotional I started last night turned into a sermon. I suppose it’s one of the dangers of the pastor’s job—you tend to analyze everything down to the minutest detail. Being in seminary probably contributes to my over-analytical nature. Oh, whom am I kidding? I always analyze things to the nth degree!
Sometimes though, as the author of 2 Timothy writes (Paul is credited with this letter but he most certainly did not write it), we just need to keep it simple. It’s so easy to get involved in an intense conversation about our faith. There are so many differences of opinion about the nature of God, Christ, and our human relationships to each other and to the divine. How do we proclaim our faith—proclaim the Gospel’s good news of God’s infinite love and acceptance of us just the way we are, without getting bogged down in the minutiae?
While I love a good theological discussion, there are times when we simply need to tell people, “Hey! Lighten up! You are a being of infinite love, loved and created through the One being of infinite love. Let that love flow through your entire being, and out from you to everyone you meet today. Don’t worry about the details for now. Just accept that you are loved, and were created to be loving.” Because after all the conversation, debate and discussion, it really is that simple.
Prayer: God of Infinite Love, may I remember to see past the details and tune in to the big picture: that you are ultimately a God of love, and that you have created me in your image, as a being of love. In remembering this, may my actions reflect the true loving nature of the universe. Amen.