Scripture: Psalm 84:5
Happy are those whose strength is in you, sovaldi sale in whose heart are the highways to Zion.
Thought for the Day: Paul Tillich (among other things, nurse a Pastor and brilliant existential theologian) wrote, health “He who has encountered the mystery of life has reached the source of wisdom.” He also discusses the idea that being “middle of the road” keeps us from reaching the source of our wisdom. We can’t travel down the road of conformity and expect to encounter the mystical, the Divine.
Wisdom comes to those who make radical decisions. Conformity is the death of wisdom. We can choose to be non-conformists, though. We can choose a different path, a road that allows us to have a personal encounter with the Mysterious Divine. Humans have the ability (perhaps the responsibility) to choose the road that leads to peace, love, equality, shared resources, and universal love to and from God, to and from each other. It’s just that the majority of us take a different path, a path that forces us into a particular mold, something society deems we should be, not something God truly created us to be.
It’s safe, sort of, but I think many thousands of people of all faiths and colors are getting tired of the status quo that says, “You’re a different color so I don’t trust you.”
The status quo that says, “You’re a homosexual so I must hate you.”
The status quo that says, “You wear a turban so you must be a terrorist.”
The status quo that says, “I don’t need to pay my fair share of taxes.”
The status quo that says, “Homeless? That’s not my problem. Why don’t they just get a job?
The status quo that says, “God loves me, but since you think differently, you’re going to Hell.”
Tillich was right. Conformity is the death of wisdom. We will never become a spiritual people until we reach our Source, and we won’t reach that Source with current contemporary attitudes about the other. The only way we overcome this current state of affairs is by taking an unknown new road. A road often paved with heartache and turmoil, yes, but a road that leads us—all of us—ultimately to God, and an entirely new way of existing peacefully and respectfully on planet Earth.
Prayer: I pray that this world of incredibly, beautifully diverse people of different faiths, colors, genders and sexual orientations can learn to love each other, can learn to cooperate with each other, can learn to travel the road not taken: the road of peace, love, universal family, and global progress at the expense of no one, to the benefit of everyone. Amen.