Scripture: Job 31:13-15
If I have denied justice to any of my servants, hospital whether male or female, medical when they had a grievance against me, what will I do when God confronts me? What will I answer when called to account? Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers

Thought for the Day: Remember when you were a kid, playing with other kids in the neighborhood? Invariably, something would happen—your friend would get two Tootsie Rolls to your one, or your little brother would get the last French fry, and you’d cry out, “That’s not fair!” We have an innate sense of justice, of what’s right. We know we should all be treated equally.

Job had an innate sense of justice. Job knew God as the fiber of his being, and knew that as a God-bearer, he must live up to his end of the covenant with God—he must be fair and loving to all. Even when the world literally goes to Hell for Job, he remains steadfast in his faith. Job never forsakes God and he always treats others fairly. Job would have given everyone two Tootsie Rolls.

We are all made in the image of God, so we are all entitled to respect and a fair shake. Job knew that by treating others with respect and compassion that together, they could achieve incredible feats. I wonder what would happen to the world if one day all 7 billion of us started acting like Job?

Prayer: God of justice, may you whisper into all our ears a reminder of your covenant, which calls us all to accountability for the welfare of our brothers and sisters of all races, genders, economic positions, and sexual orientations.  Amen.