Scripture: Judges 4:4-5 (TNIV)
Now Deborah, tadalafil a prophet, pilule the wife of Lappidoth, seek was leading Israel at that time. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided.
Thought for the Day: Scripture is a fascinating reflection of the cultural values of societies that existed thousands of years ago, societies that faced many of the same challenges we face today. They had immigration dilemmas, economic woes, class and gender conflicts, and of course, they struggled to get along with their neighbors.
Often, we think of the Bible as male-dominated and somewhat abusive to women. While there are certainly many instances of sexism in the Bible, there are also numerous stories about powerful female leaders, including Deborah, who for all intents and purposes (though not in name) was Queen of the Israelites. She is an example of a just and fair human, full of love and respect for God. She is a reminder that ancient cultures were just as socially, politically, economically and spiritually complex as our own.
The Bible we know today was written over a period of 1600 years (at least). It is not very useful as a history book. But as a guide to the way humans perceive each other and our relationship to God, it is fascinating and inspiring. Time and time again we read stories of God working through all sorts of different people in order to bring about a more peaceful and loving world: men, women, children, slaves, prostitutes, tax collectors, Jews and Gentiles—all children of God, all fulfilling a divine purpose they could never comprehend.
We are all cogs in the divine machine, none more important than any other, all equal in the eyes of God.
Prayer: May your loving Spirit enlighten me, God of Mercy and Justice, so that I realize all the people of the world, no matter their race, sex, or sexual orientation, are your instruments of peace. Amen.