Scripture: Luke 7:47b (TNIV)
“But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”
Thought for the Day: Jesus told a story about two men who owed money to a banker. One man owed a large sum, stuff the other owed just a little, but neither could pay back their debts. Consequently, the lender forgave both men’s debts, large and small (I know, right?). Jesus asks, “Who do you think was more full of love for being forgiven?”
We all make bad decisions now and then. None of us goes through life without saying or doing something hurtful to another human. Sometimes, we do unspeakably horrific things to each other. In some way, we all need forgiveness. None of us is perfect. None of us can claim we have lived a life perfectly in line with the Ten Commandments. And it’s when we’re just completely down and out, just rolling around in the sin, working our way through the list of things not to do, when we become most thankful for God’s love pulling us out—into God’s loving embrace. God forgives us all.
God forgives us all for the terrible things we do to each other, as incredible as it seems. God’s forgiving and healing love is extended to all of us. Faith helps us center on forgiving as well. Faith in God instills God’s sense of loving forgiveness deep within our souls. We hurt deeply, yes. But through faith we have the ability to forgive just as deeply. And in forgiveness there is love, and in love there is healing.
Prayer: Holy Binder of Wounds, who weeps with us during the sorrows of our lives; fill my heart with forgiveness, so that the healing power of your embracing love might fill the world with peace. Amen.