Scripture: Wisdom 1:3-4
For perverse thoughts separate people from God, viagra sale and when his power is tested, try it exposes the foolish; because wisdom will not enter a deceitful soul, sovaldi or dwell in a body enslaved to sin.

Thought for the Day: In the late 1970s, when I was in my teens, my brother Patrick and I took French lessons for a short time. As is often the case with my family, Mr. Rogert became a good friend, and French lessons turned into gab fests. By the time we met him, I was already well on my spiritual journey. Consequently, one of those sessions turned into a discussion about God, parallel realities, and the nature of existence. It turned out Mr. Rogert was a conscious seeker of Spirit as well, and an advocate of Yoga as a spiritual and health discipline.

He turned me on to a book called Autobiography of a Yogi* by Paramahansa Yogananda. This is the book that first introduced me to meditation and imparted wisdom to me that laid the foundation for everything that I would discover, and that God would present in my life moving forward. It was through meditation that I first truly experienced God so fully that there has never since been any doubt in my mind that God exists and is a very real presence in our lives.

The Autobiography also imparted to me the importance of focus. It’s exactly what Wisdom of Solomon talks about here, too. When we allow our minds to lose focus on God, we do foolish things. Our minds are powerful generators that affect our reality by changing our perception of things. We talked in worship last week about how our view of history changes over time. Perception is important for understanding. By staying focused on God, our reality stays focused on God. And when God is our focus, we choose wisely.

Prayer: Beautiful God, whose intelligence knows and is all, impart your eternal wisdom in my soul, that I may serve you and humankind with integrity and love. Amen.