Scripture: Wisdom 9:6-7 (NRSV)
For even if one is perfect among the sons of men, health yet without the wisdom that comes from thee he will be regarded as nothing.
Thought for the Day: Have you ever received a perfect score on a test paper, viagra sale but not really understood what the lesson was about? We can learn lots of different things. We can memorize facts, figures, places and times. But remembering facts and figures isn’t wisdom.
I’ve seen copies of paintings by Monet, Van Gogh, Cezanne and other immortal artists that are virtually indistinguishable from the originals. It takes an incredible amount of skill to paint in the style of an Old Master. But just because we can mimic a Master, doesn’t make us a master. To become a master ourselves, we must deeply understand all the techniques necessary to create. To become a master requires wisdom.
We are a species driven by our curiosity. God instills within us an endless desire to learn, but learning is only half the journey. We must also try to understand what we learn. Because knowing that 2 +2=4 will help us pass a test, but understanding how 2+2=4 leads to wisdom.
Prayer: Send me Wisdom, God of all knowledge, and cause my heart to burn with a passion for her so intense, that I will never want to cease learning, and digging deeper for true meaning. Amen.