Scripture: Romans 12:7 (TNIV)
If it is serving, salve then serve; if it is teaching, buy then teach

Thought for the Day: Before I became a teacher, I worked for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.  Visiting the MDA Summer camp every year was one aspect of my job that I looked forward to every year.  Every MDA camper—children from ages 6 to 21 who struggle with Muscular Dystrophy or one of 40 other different neuromuscular diseases—is paired with their own camp counselor.  The counselors are all volunteers from high school age up to adults, who take a week off from their regular jobs to be MDA counselors.

The counselors work hard, often getting up throughout the night to help the campers turn in their beds, etc.  I was always amazed by the energy that the counselors still had during the day to play with water blasters, push wheelchairs on a swing, fish, dance, or just sit and talk with their camper.  Without fail, if I asked any of the counselors how they were faring, they would beam and tell stories about how wonderful the experience is for them, how much they are learning from the camper, and how they wouldn’t miss this one week of the year for the world.  I felt the same way just watching the campers and counselors joyfully interacting with one another.

How thankful I am that learning, and the love of learning, is a two-way street.  Our God doesn’t sit in the clouds, point down and tell us what to do.  Instead, learning is a “trial and error” daily walk and interaction with our loving creator.  Cooperative learning is a highly emphasized strategy in the world of education today.  Cooperative learning activities allow students to interact with one another in the learning process rather than all of the instruction being teacher-directed.   How applicable to our daily lives.  As cooperative learners—with God and with one another—we are at our best, gaining strength and knowledge for our life journey.

Prayer: Holy Teacher, thank you for your patience and loving guidance as I navigate the learning curve of life.  Whether at work, at play, teaching, or serving; may my life be a constant, cooperative interaction with you and humankind.  Amen.