Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:7
We live by faith, viagra not by sight.
Thought for the Day: When we choose to live a life of faith, site we have a couple of options: we can become obsessed with doctrine and divide the world into “saved” and “unsaved, recipe ” or we can begin to view the material world as the result of mysterious and wonderful activities going on in the spiritual realm that manifest in a physical reality. The discovery of the quantum world reinforces the latter view; there is no excuse for the former view, which is simply wrong-minded and mean. If we believe there is more to the world than what we can see, touch, taste, hear, or smell, then we need to do our best to let God continue opening the mysteries of the universe to us, and not get lost in the completely arbitrary, human-created rules and regulations of any particular faith. If your religion is telling you some people are children of God and other people are not children of God, you seriously need to find a new religion. Sorry to be blunt. But I’m tired of all the hating in the name of Jesus, who by all accounts never had a mean word to say to anyone.
Paul understands there is more to our world than we can see, and he makes claims about God, Jesus, and the way we should follow Jesus that are so open and welcoming it causes his Jewish brothers and sisters to rethink their own relationship to God. Paul, like Jesus, has stopped making distinctions between Jew and Gentile. He understands that we are no longer to divide each other based on our religious or ethnic or cultural differences, but rather that we are all manifestations of an underlying spiritual truth: God is love, and creates all of us as equal partners in love.
Prayer: My love for you overflows, God of all Creation. As I begin to understand the unseen but always felt, true nature of reality a little more every day, may my heart soften and my arms open to welcome everyone I meet. May I come to realize we are all brothers and sisters, beautiful and creative manifestations of the One True Source of all that exists: You, our holy, loving, compassionate and imaginative God. Amen.