Scripture: Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news, buy viagra
who proclaim peace, medical
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”

Thought for the Day: It’s time for a little good news. Actually, it’s time for a lot of Good News. The world bombards us with graphic and disturbing words and images. On nearly every TV channel, in the movies, in our videogames, in books and advertising—everywhere we consume information and entertainment we’re confronted with death, destruction, blood and gore. I don’t care what anyone says, that much constant exposure to bad news affects our mental, physical and spiritual health, and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

We have the potential to be these incredibly loving, giving, compassionate, spiritual creatures, but constant exposure to this dark stuff is killing us. Literally. We need some light, some love, some compassion to balance all the darkness we willingly consume, and that light needs to come from all people of faith, all over the world. That light needs to come from all the secular humanists around the world, whose voices are as shamefully silent as our own. The light of love, the balance to our created dark entertainments, shines when we become active in our faith and reach out with love to even those we disagree with. Love changes everything, and I really don’t see many messages of love in the world today. So let me remind you: God is love. We are created from God’s very being. Therefore, we are creatures of love. We are not creatures of darkness. We are beings of light. So shine a little light on your neighbor today. Remind them that they too are a light being, a child of God, a child of love. And start spreading the Good News.

Prayer: May I bring a little balance and light to a dark world, my Holy Sovereign of Peace. Amen.