Scripture: Titus 3:14
Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, medical in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.

Thought for the Day:  Passages like this one from Titus, medicine pretty much anything in James, ask some of Paul (Titus is sometimes attributed to Paul but it’s unlikely he wrote it), and nearly everything Jesus says make it clear that as Christians we are called to active lives of faith. We are called to doing what is good not because we expect a reward, but because our lives are so controlled by God that we can’t help but do work that reflects God’s chesed—God’s loving kindness.

If we are people of faith, then we cannot help but act. We cannot help but proclaim the news of God’s kingdom, fast approaching; a kingdom that is becoming more real with each of us ready and willing to answer God’s call; to take to heart and to the streets the responsibility that comes with devotion to God and a life spent following in the way of Jesus Christ.

Prayer:  May your Spirit activate my faith, and give me the strength to be a voice for the voiceless, to bring hope to those who have lost all hope, and to bring balance to a world blinded by materialism. Amen.