Scripture: Genesis 28:3

May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples. 

Thought for the Day: Dr. Martin Luther King, prescription Jr. understood God’s vision for humanity: one united people, find no matter our physical or cultural differences. God’s vision of the world, pharm from Genesis through Revelation, is of a peaceful global society—not ever a world that is homogenous, mind you, not ever a world with one religion, but rather a peaceful, loving world that embraces and respects each other’s differences and cultures. In God’s world all of us, and all our belief systems, are unique revelations of God’s love for the world.

There is no longer any room in our world for intolerance. As Dr. King said, “We must learn to live together as brothers, or we will perish together as fools.” And to that I say, amen.

Prayer: If I’m going to be a fool, dear Lord, help me be a fool for love, not hate; a fool for justice, not abuse of power; and a fool for integration, not disintegration. Amen.