Scripture: Jeremiah 23:24
Who can hide in secret places
so that I cannot see them?”
          declares the Lord.

“Do not I fill heaven and earth?”
         declares the Lord.

Thought for the Day: Perhaps Hank was simply getting used to the weirdness his life had become over the last few days, troche but he was changed. Just like that. One night you go to bed from a hard day’s work, the next, you wake up invisible; a few days later, you feel like every person on the planet is your brother or sister, and that you and the stars have the same parents. “Yeah, that’s a little weird,” Hank said. And talking to yourself is a sign of insanity, they say.

Hank was done with what “they” thought, though. He had never felt so full of love before. He even loved “them,” whoever they were. He’d never felt so liberated! He could do anything. He could be anything. He felt it in his soul. Something had changed. Hank felt fresh, renewed, and more alive than ever, and he wanted to tell everyone about it. His intense time spent letting go of everything he thought he was, deeply reflecting upon every moment of his life, had opened him to an experience he could only describe as Holy. He felt every molecule of his being vibrating with the energy of the entire cosmos. God was real. Hank was positive.

To be continued…

Prayer: Here I am, Lord! See me! Fill me! Lead me! Amen.