Scripture: Matthew 9:8
When the crowd saw this, health they were filled with awe; and they praised God, diagnosis who had given such authority to human beings.

Thought for the Day: I think we too often forget that Jesus lived, no rx at least in part, to show us the totality of our humanity. Marcus Borg calls Jesus an archetype—an example, an original that is supposed to be imitated. The Gospels are pretty clear about this idea as well. Jesus refers to himself as “the Son of Man,” and tells us repeatedly that we are to do what he does and to live as he lives.

In large part, Christianity is no longer about imitating Jesus’ life, though. Our religion has become idolatrous, worshipping at the feet of Jesus and exalting him to God’s right hand. This is partially because it’s much easier to worship than to act. Truly following Jesus, actually trying to live a Jesus-like life, is incredibly hard work. But while Jesus was alive and for the first few decades after his death, his disciples did their best to create a new world of love, compassion, peace and justice. As time wore on and the young religion became forever intertwined with Empire, it started to take on the baggage of the old Pagan religions, which were about worship rather than rebellion. Which is understandable. What better way to squelch a rebellion than to assimilate it?

One of the many reasons I became a member of, and then a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is because our denomination emphasizes discipleship, really learning about and doing our best to follow the teachings and lifestyle of Jesus. I say it’s well beyond time for us to take the movement Jesus started back from the Empire that stole it, and teach the world that love and compassion are much better ideals to live by than selfishness and greed.

Prayer: Inspire in me the passion for justice, mercy, peace and love that Jesus so exemplified, most Holy and Eternal God. Amen.