Scripture: Psalm 9:9-10
The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, viagra a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, medical for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Thought for the Day: Part of the reason I’ve had such a difficult time with organized religion my entire life, and at least part of the reason the majority of people polled today say they distrust organized religion, is because God is no longer presented as a refuge and liberator for the oppressed. Organized religion is, in general, no longer about relationship with God, but is instead about following narrow doctrines and creeds lest we are eternally damned to Hell (a claim Jesus never, ever makes). It’s about belief rather than faith.

Jesus worked hard to get his Jewish brothers and sisters to see the purpose of the Law, which was to create an intense faith and trust in God; to trust that God was with them, even when they messed up—especially when they messed up! Jesus wanted his brothers and sisters to get beyond the literal meaning of the Law and live the Law with their entire being, which means absolute, unconditional trust in God. If we want God to be our refuge and our strength in times of trouble, all we have to do is let go of belief and have some faith, some trust in the One and Eternal God of time and space. That’s how we create the kingdom of heaven, here and now: we let God do it through all of us, one person at a time.

Prayer: I release my will to you, God my Companion, and seek refuge in your loving embrace as you create in me a light for all humankind. Amen.