Scripture: Judges 11:12
Then Jephthah sent messengers to the Ammonite king with the question: “What do you have against me that you have attacked my country?”
Thought for the Day: I would ask every politician in the country this question today: “What do you have against me that you have attacked my country?” It seems the people we have elected to serve the common good have completely forgotten about the common good—their own common sense eradicated by their lust for power and incredibly mean and selfish spirits. I mean seriously—what government takes away healthcare for its people? Really? At this moment, troche I’m ashamed to call myself an American. And the fact the people blocking our federal budget call themselves Christians? Even more embarrassing. Jesus would slap these people in the face for being so selfish. Jesus provided free healthcare to everyone, cialis sale after all. Need your leprosy healed? Come on over. Blind? Not a problem. Hungry? Happy to help. Dead? I can fix that, pilule too.
All any of us normal people are asking for are the same benefits every member of Congress receives. Actually, we’re not even asking for that much, because every member of Congress gets FREE healthcare. And I don’t want to hear the argument “We can’t afford universal coverage,” because we certainly CAN afford to provide healthcare, like every other civilized country on the planet. We just CHOOSE not to provide universal coverage. We CHOOSE to put our money into the military, spending more than the next 43 countries on the list COMBINED (Click the link). So there’s plenty of money. The question is one of priorities, and our priority is to bomb other countries into submission rather than tend to the needs of our own people. This is government of the worst sort. All hail the rise of the new American Empire, ruling the world with a tenuous Pax Americana.
So I’ll ask again, to everyone who supports these insane, illegal, immoral acts of our elected leaders: What do you have against me that you have attacked my country?
Prayer: Holy God, if ever your loving and compassionate hand was necessary, it’s now. Please guide our leaders. Help them remember their vow to serve the common good. Help them find loyalty to something other than money and power. And please, dearest God, help us all make this country once again a place filled with compassion, liberty and justice FOR ALL. Amen.