Sage Advice: From Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first inauguration speech in 1933, sildenafil just as the depression hit its peak.
So, viagra sale first of all, prescription let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.

The moneychangers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.

Thought for the Day: So, by spending the week pointing out how intrinsically paranoid we humans seem to be, I’ve probably made you paranoid. But in order to advance against a foe, we have to recognize it exists. I hope we’re starting to realize that we, the human race, put too much faith in fear. It stops us from getting anything accomplished. I mean, when you get real, this entire government shutdown business is about fear. It’s absolutely paralyzing. It’s also revealed all the subtle ways we are surrounded and pounded by the systems that create and support a constant state of mental, physical and socioeconomic paranoia.

Here’s the good news (finally, I know): Recognizing a fear takes away its power. Watching a weight loss commercial knowing every bit of it, from the lighting, to the language they use, to the colors people wear, hairstyles—every detail is completely manipulated to make you afraid something about you is wrong. It’s never the system itself that’s at fault, it’s you. Fall in line. What’s wrong with you? Why aren’t you on a diet? When we start looking beneath the surface, when we allow things to be revealed to us more truthfully, the paranoia of the world loosens its grip on us. When we deconstruct the fear, it goes away. It’s time to start deconstructing our world of fear.

The disciple Paul understood this. He felt a switch had to be triggered, one that would set humankind on a new, more peaceful, more fulfilling and fulfilled path. Paul believed that through Jesus, God pulled this switch for us.* This shift is one that allows us to live without fear. While I agree with Paul about God’s new cosmic creation, I think we can experience it much more deeply if we also work on flipping some switches in our own minds. I’m starting by flipping fear to off and faith to on. How about you?

Prayer: Flip me into a new creation, masterful God of my being. Flip on the faith switch, so I have the courage to see and be part of your new world, spread before me right now. Amen.

 *By the way, it is likely Paul means this is God’s action for all humankind, without regard to anything other than being human. It’s not an “Everyone needs to become a Christian” thing. Paul never would have thought that way, especially since he considered himself a good and faithful Jew. Rather, for Paul, through the Jesus event, God has made a cosmic shift in the universe, for all of us. Paul was most definitely a universalist in this way, in my way of thinking. He was after all, a Jew who invited the rest of the Gentile world into the family. That’s pretty accepting.