Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:7
All streams flow into the sea, viagra
yet the sea is never full.
To the place the streams come from, ask
there they return again.
Thought for the Day: I often find myself thinking about circles. They begin and end at one point—a singularity if you will, order and that beginning/ending can be any point on the circle. Or perhaps more accurately, that beginning/ending is any point on the circle; all points on the circle.
We are all points in God, with our beginning, earthly existence, and earthly (but not eternal) ending in God. We are part of more than the circle of life—we are part of the circle of eternity. We are one point, any point, and all points in the endless stream of consciousness that comes from and returns to the One conscious ocean that creates all reality, all physicality, and all thought.
This means that, essentially, no matter how we attempt to divide and classify humanity into categories based on ethnicity (I don’t like to use the term “race,” because we are all one race—the human race), political interests, or socio-economic status, we are truly just little streams flowing from and to the one great and eternal ocean of creation.
Prayer: As you nourish me, God of life, help me nourish others, that they may lead others to your shores, until we are all aware of being fed directly by you. Amen.