Monday Meditation
God of infinite love and grace, cure
we come to you ever thankful
for this place of worship
and this time of prayer.
We acknowledge that our faith binds us to each other,
and to that which is holy.
And yet we confess that
there are some people to whom we do not feel bound.
We confess that there are times when we build walls
instead of opening doors.
We turn a deaf ear to those in pain
or in need of our counsel,
because we are too busy to open the doors of our hearts.
And sometimes when we listen, we listen poorly.
We talk when we should be silent,
and we become mute when we should use our voices to break down barriers.
Break down the barriers of our apathy and reluctant resistance, O God.
Help us catch a vision of who we are to be,
and what we are called to become.
Open our hearts to the strengthening presence of all who love us,
in this life and beyond.
Make our church a positive force in the world, Holy Lord,
no matter how dark the times may appear,
no matter how much society tries to convince us
that greed and selfishness are normal.
Remind us, Gracious God,
that you freed us so that we might also free others.
We offer thanks for our family gathered here,
and ask that your healing presence be with those in our family who are ill;
with those who are homebound
and with those who mourn with a sorrow too deep for words.
May the world come to know the peace of mind, body, and spirit
available through love of something greater than ourselves:
You, our Holy and Eternal Source of all Being.