Scripture: Luke 12:32
“Do not be afraid, ed little flock, hospital for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”

Thought for the Day: This is one of my favorite lines in all of Scripture, because it’s so gentle. I often picture Jesus as an affirming, loving, gentle person. Of course, there’s no way to know what he was really like. I’m sure he had his good days and bad days like all of us. But Luke often has Jesus saying very sweet and affirming things. In this passage, Jesus assures us there is nothing to be afraid of, because God is with us.

By the way, this means God is with us right now. The idea that we will be judged after this material life to find the kingdom of heaven in another realm, after this life, has been a gross misinterpretation of Scripture. Jesus intended to begin a revolution, here, on this planet, in his lifetime. I think he succeeded, because the revolution continues today, and with each one of us who follows his way, the world conforms more to the loving, forgiving, merciful and just image of God, and less to the fearful and distrustful image of man. I am not afraid, because I know the kin-dom of God is spreading. Right here. Right now.

Prayer: As you comfort me, Lord, comfort those who are afraid—afraid of change, afraid of love, afraid of cooperation, afraid to trust each other. Show my brothers and sisters that by simply trusting you, I find the strength to trust your work in the world. Amen.