Scripture: Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens, nurse and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Thought for the Day: I’ve just returned from the Global Ministries General Board and Council of Theological Students meetings. The weekend was eye opening (in more ways than one). I’ll admit to a certain amount of nervousness before the trip. I’ve never been a fan of religious missions. I’ve read too much history and spent too much time being condemned by other religions. It was difficult for me to think there could be anything altruistic to faith-based mission work. I was glad to have my mind completely changed this weekend.

Global Missions is a joint venture between the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ. The point of the convention was mutuality. We go to other countries as partners—not to tell people what to do or how to think, medicine or to gain converts, case but rather to gain knowledge, love, and support from each other. Modern mission is a two-way street, and makes a very concerted and intentional effort to avoid colonialism of any sort. Many of our discussions this weekend were about post-colonial mission, and how to overcome the mindset I went into the convention with. It was enlightening and, honestly, a relief.

I’ve been reminded that we are all indeed connected, and that life on this big blue rock could be wonderful if we’d all just work together toward the common good, rather than allowing a few mega-corporations take advantage of all of us. I am more convinced than ever that corporations are the new colonials. Whether we live in the U.S. or the Congo, the few are still abusing the many. For this to change, we all need to work together in love, ever pushing toward peace and equality, and always resisting the neo-colonials, who would continue to enslave us—whether literally to a gold mine, or figuratively to the endless consumer cycle of lust, purchase, discard, repeat.

Prayer: With love in my heart, and with the understanding we are all created in Your holy image, help me, God who helps us all, destroy the shackles of profit that continue to lead to loss for us all. Amen.