Scripture: Isaiah 22:13
But see, cheap there is joy and revelry, ambulance
slaughtering of cattle and killing of sheep,
eating of meat and drinking of wine!
“Let us eat and drink,” you say,
“for tomorrow we die!”
Thought for the Day: You’ve probably heard this phrase uttered in more than one movie. When I hear “Eat, drink and be merry!” I immediately think in black and white, Charles Laughton up on a bunch of pillows in his best medieval attire, a sloppy, delicious Turkey wing in one hand, a flagon of stout in the other.
There is more to this phrase than meets the ear, however. Isaiah is admonishing his people for getting so caught up in the advanced culture they had created, that they have lost focus on God. “You celebrate your achievements by dancing and singing. Remember when you used to do that for God? Remember when you used to give God credit, not take credit for yourselves? Yeah. You should probably do that.” Isaiah says.
This is a season for rejoicing. It should be a mystical time, a time when we can see and sense a more magical world. There is an increase in energy and an increase in consciousness around the holidays. I think it’s because so many people around the world are rejoicing in God. We’re all doing it with different holidays and in different ways, but to me, it creates a noticeable change in the atmosphere. There is something deeper to existence than we allow ourselves to imagine, because we are so clouded by the modern need for facts, nothing but the facts. During the holidays, this cloud seems to be lifted—for a little while, at least.
Sometimes, things are just wonderfully unexplainable. And besides, without dreamers, who would change the world?
Prayer: I rejoice in your presence, Lord of my life, who is my very presence. Inspire me, guide me, thrill me, and fill me with love, understanding, wisdom, and grace. Amen.