The Joy Bringer, pharmacy Part 4
Joshua laughed with delight as the pickup turned down the road to the plantation, store off the paved state road and onto the private dirt and gravel patchwork that was really more a system of potholes joined together by occasional mounds of dirt. Maria clenched José’s hand tightly, the pain of every bump and swerve like bolts of lightning running through her spine. She prayed silently as the pickup slowed to a halt at the entrance to their group home, where everyone was waiting. They had already heard about the happy baby, and welcomed the family back into the community with loud singing, music, dancing, and lots of hugs. Joshua laughed delightedly as everyone poked and prodded him.

As time wore on and Joshua began to grow, his exuberance for life never diminished. Everyone he ever came into contact with would be forever changed. Joshua would being hope, love, joy and peace to people during his life, and long after.

But that’s another story, for another time. Until then, may the joy and love of life Joshua was born with begin to inhabit all our souls more deeply and permanently. Amen.