Monday Meditation:
Holy God, check
Creator of the universe,
Sustainer of my soul:
Ignite a fire for service within me.
Fan the flames of Divine Love,
which burn in me with an intensity
too unbearable to ignore,
and motivate me to acts of loving kindness.

I adore You because you compel me to act with love,
with mercy,
with understanding,
and with compassion.
You are the fuel that keeps the flame of forgiveness
lit within the depths of my being.
You are the inspiration that is the very engine of my creation,
and my creativity.

I adore You and thank you,
because you teach me how to love.
You remind me that I am as You are, pure love.
I adore You and thank you
because you show me how to care for others above myself,
and how to see the world with a childlike wonder,
in awe of the beauty and majesty
of Your inconceivably complex creation.

Still, I confess I often fumble and fall.
My busy life sidetracks me from thoughts of You,
from prayer and meditation,
from study of the holy aspects of being alive.
I forget that human life—every human life, is holy.
The world makes me cynical,
and my own human imperfections
cause me to lose my innocence.
Worse, I forget who You are, and whose I am.
I forget that You are with me, always,
even when I think I have shut you out of my life.

I need your help, Holy One.
The world needs Your help.
We cannot do this alone.
We cannot take this journey back to Your embrace alone.
We cannot evolve into a higher state of being, like Jesus, alone.
So we rejoice, because we know we are not alone:
You are with us.
The Christ is within us,
through every trial,
in each stressful moment of every day,
in every person we meet.
You show us that no one is our enemy,
and that by reaching out to others in love,
we are reaching out to you.

I give you every ounce of love I have,
asking for nothing in return,
for I already know You have given me everything
by simply giving me the gift of life.
Glorious life!
Wondrous life!
Eternal life!
Life that is meant to be shared with others,
so that everyone might come to know you more intimately,
follow you more closely,
and love you more dearly.
For it’s in recognizing the Holy in all of us
(and every one of us is holy),
that the world truly changes—
one person at a time,
a few people every day,
until Your kingdom is fully realized.

I readily and ecstatically return my life to you.
Do with me what you will,
for I know your will is a world of peace through justice,
and an end to violence against all of us,
all your beloved children, forever.