Scripture: 1 John 4:16
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, hospital and God in them.

Thought for the Day: Pay close attention to the language here: whoever is a very important word, because it makes John’s sentiment about all of us, not just “God’s elect,” as the Evangelicals or Calvinists would have us believe. In the birth of Jesus, we see perfect love born in the flesh, not as an exclusive, one-time event, but as a reminder that every single one of us is born this way. We are all intrinsically beings of love, born out of God’s incredible, gracious love, and destined to be loving creatures.

Why don’t we act this way? Well, it’s not because of sin, I’ll tell you that much. No, as beings born out of God’s very being, sin is an impossible concept. We are what we are. Misguided, misanthropic, too often cruel and inconsiderate and selfish and greedy. But we only act that way because we’ve lost touch with who we truly are, because too many religions have told us we’re worthless, or that Jesus is the only one who is perfect. We have lost our ability to dream of Oneness with all creation, to experience the Oneder (yes, that’s on purpose) of God in our lives.

Maybe during this Advent season, we can remember that God is born into every one of us. We’re all perfect. Every single one of us. The fact we refuse to believe that is the real sin.

Prayer: You made me in your image, Holy and perfectly loving, God. Remind me that my birth, like that of Jesus, is perfect in every way. Help me live up to my Christ-like potential by tuning into your universal and freely given love, and by tuning out the negative messages of the world around me. Amen.