Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, malady but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

Thought for the Day: An encounter with Spirit isn’t like running into a friend we haven’t seen for awhile at the coffee shop, where we chit chat for a few moments then once again go our separate ways. A real Spiritual (Spirit-filled) experience creates so much energy in every fiber of our being that we can’t help but find the power to proclaim God’s love, and carry it with us throughout our lives. Spirit moments are real-time connections with God that help us grow in our faith and give us the power to love unconditionally.

Yet while the Spirit of God fills us with power, we must remember that too often power corrupts. The Bible is a long, unfortunate history of humans drunk with power, and the Gospel is God’s reaction to that long history of power abuse. The Spirit does not make us timid, but we also must remember humility and sacrifice in the name of Jesus and in service to our fellow humans. Otherwise, we run the risk of perverting our spirituality into yet another human institution of control and oppression.

Prayer: I know I often rush through life too quickly, failing to notice those moments when you are trying to reconnect with me, Holy God. May I remember to stop and share a cup of coffee with you once in awhile. Amen.